Healow Online Appointment

Great News. Our practice now offers online appointment booking. To make your appointment

www.healow.com or click here to DOWNLOAD the Healow APP and find our facility using this code- JAHDAA, enter your patient portal log in and make your appointments through Healow APP OR Make appointment on your Patient portal Homepage https://mycw3.eclinicalweb.com/boss/jsp/login.jsp

Dear Patient,

Our Practice is excited to announce that we are now using Healow. Healow is a more convenient feature where patients can book or request their next preventive and follow up care appointments with our office online. Please note do not use this feature during emergencies, please call 911
Following are the ways you can make your appointment booking online:

Book an appointment using our practice website http://www.rdoctors.com/wp/

Choose the Book an appointment option under the appointments menu.

Identify an open appointment slot or request another day,time with the Doctor.

Follow the prompts and fill in ALL the required information and submit.

Electronically book yourself an appointment with only a few clicks

Book an appointment using patient portal


If you have not logged in to patient portal, on our homepage, find the provider you would like to make

an appointment with, find available open slots or send request to practice.

If you have logged into Patient Portal using your credentials, click on appointment center and

recommended appointments to complete the booking process.

Book an appointment by downloading the healow app free from the app store

Find our practice by entering code JAHDAA when searching for practice,provider

Log in with your patient portal credentials

Click at Find Appointment ,By Doctor , enter the name of the doctor and location , Search.

Under the name of the doctor you would see an option to either book or request an appointment

through Healow, click on it.

Follow the prompt and fill in ALL the required information and submit.

We hope our patients find this new feature easy to use, but if you have any

questions please do not hesitate to contact someone from our office at 847 982 9988

Have a healthy day.

Oakton Park Medical Center